We seek to encourage and equip students of all ages to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We want them to…
- know God in a life changing way
- worship God in word, actions, and attitude
- connect with Christ’s followers
- serve in ministry to others
- share the good news of Jesus Christ with others
180 (Middle School)
Our Middle School students have their own class on Sunday mornings and are encouraged to attend 180, the Thursday night club for 6th, 7th, & 8th-graders.
In the summer, they have monthly adventures at “Summer Nights” designed to keep them connected and help them transition between grades.
CrossTrainers (High School)
CrossTrainers is our high school ministry. Our CrossTrainers have their Sunday School class at 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings.
The CrossTrainers get together weekly during the school year on Thursday evenings from 7-9 PM. This is their own time of worship and teaching, small group interaction, snacks, and game time.
Each year, our high school students have opportunities to go on retreats and mission trips and to serve through a variety of ministries.
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